
Showing posts from July, 2017

Helene Fischer - Herzbeben (Musikvideo)

HELENE FISCHER Everyone remembers the moment when the German national team became world champion in Brazil for the fourth time. The day will be a triumph in German history, and, of course, a very special person, who at first glance has nothing to do with football: Helene Fischer . Why did not she miss this show? The Germans love their football team. And the Germans also love Helene Fischer . The singer has laid an unprecedented musical career and creates with her songs what hardly anybody creates – she brings together young and old, city and country, men and women, all on one eye. It is the intersection to which all can agree, and in the best sense. Their cordial nature, the pragmatic nature, their down-to-earth attitude to life – actually unglamorous attributes – lend it extra glamor. All the more interesting is now on her new album, because already the title suggests quite correctly that it is probably her most personal. It is simply called “Helene Fischer”, straight...